Testhandler IPS19-2 Servo

The CRS testhandler IPS19-2 is designed for rack and stack test systems with 19 inch components.

The design of the machine allows the total integration of the test hardware.


  • Servo driven test fixture
  • Double sided probing
  • Dual stage fixtures
  • Integrated test interface with automated locking
  • Spring loaded interface probes
  • SMEMA standard
  • Serial interface to the test hardware
  • Integrated barcode reader (additional conyeyor module)
  • Operator panel


The communication between test system and testhandler is via RS 232.

Both components have an ideal connection due to the serial interface, which assures an easy and safe operation.

Testhandler IPS19-2 Servo
Testhandler IPS19-2 Servo
CRS IPS-19.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 159.8 KB

CRS Prüftechnik GmbH

Reichenaustrasse 242

78467 Konstanz, Germany

Phone +49 7531 28239-0

E-Mail: info@crs-prueftechnik.de